Massimo Rubini ’96, Knows the Power of Educational Resources

Massimo Rubini ’96 knows the power of educational resources, especially when it comes to transformation. As an international student having come from Italy, he faced the challenge of learning English while simultaneously pursuing his bachelor’s degree.
Then in his mid-twenties, Rubini was determined and tireless with regard to his courses in Mercy’s School of Business. He recalls hours spent painstakingly using a multi-step process where he would transcribe his notes from class into Italian, all while memorizing content and language together. He found his own way through those challenges. “I am by nature a problem-solver,” said Rubini.
Along the way, he developed a deep curiosity and affinity for improving access to education and improving resources for educators. “In my case education is what transformed my life in many ways as someone coming from a different country. The key to that integration was education,” said Rubini. So, it is no surprise he found a way to incorporate his business acumen into a love for learning – merging them both into a career in educational publishing and sales. Today, he oversees sales for one of the nation’s leading educational publishing companies, McGraw Hill.
Rubini, who also has a master’s degree in education from the University of Bridgeport, said it was Mercy College that gave him a firm foundation to develop his career. He found the size of the school perfect to help him find his footing in a new country. “Mercy was large enough for me to find like-minded and like-experienced people, but small enough to get enough attention in my academics.”
He carries many memories of the friendships he made at Mercy. “Mercy was essentially my host family basically when I came here. I didn’t know anyone,” said Rubini who called Mercy in the 1990s a “comfortable environment” for international students who were able to easily find each other and navigate an otherwise isolating experience.
Today, he enjoys being on the pulse of a constantly changing and expanding marketplace in educational resources. As a mission-driven sales leader, he finds himself drawing back to his experience of learning a new language. “It took true grit,” said Rubini. Problem solving is still in him. In his work, he looks to connect students with resources in an increasingly global arena. Increasing student access to better educational tools is a true passion for him.