Tennis Courts at our Westchester Campus
Mercy Alumni are welcome to use the outdoor Tennis Courts at the Westchester Campus year round on a first come basis. Please note that the courts are sometimes reserved for special events, which will take priority over general usage.
Campus Libraries
Alumni in good standing visiting the Manhattan and Bronx Campuses during normal business hours are allowed to sign in a single guest for a specific purpose. Both the alumnus and the guest must display official government identification at the time of sign in. The alumnus is fully responsible for the conduct of the guest and must accompany same at all times. Alumni wishing to bring more than a single guest must request permission in advance from either the Office of Alumni Affairs or Campus Safety. Normal business hours for the Bronx and Manhattan campuses are defined as 9am to 5pm, Monday through Saturday.
As an alumnus you are welcome to take advantage of the Mercy University network of libraries. Library facilities are available at all Mercy Campuses. For more information on what services are available to alums please visit the library website.
Alumni visiting campus to utilize the library, tennis courts or attend an event are asked to request a visitors pass when entering campus.