Rosalie Crabbe SAS '72
Vice President of Behavioral Health Nursing & Patient Care Services
Retired Mgr. Accessible Programs and Industry Affairs
United Airlines
Rosalie Duffy Crabbe graduated from the College of New Rochelle (CNR) in 1972 with a bachelor’s degree in European History and Teacher Certification for K-12.
A longing to see all the places she had read about in her history courses, and her desire to meet the people and learn the culture of other lands, led her to a career in aviation. During her forty-seven years with United Airlines, she contributed significantly to forever changing the way people travel. She developed and implemented the Electronic Ticket Product for the airports, while also representing United at industry-level meetings. Her successful committee work resulted in her serving as Chair of the Airlines for America (A4A) Passenger Council and Co-chair for the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Passenger Services Conference.
Out of her numerous accomplishments, her proudest work was advocating for Individuals with Disabilities. Through collaboration with government agencies, manufacturers of mobility products, airports, and most of all those with disabilities, policy changes have been made to facilitate equal rights and more independent travel for those with disabilities. In her efforts to build an accessible culture, she has helped author an International Accessibility Manual for best practices in air travel, provided steering guidance on travel issues, and presented in international forums. She was presented with the Open Doors Organization Annual Award in 2021 for her work on Accessibility.
Always cognizant of the opportunities with which she was blessed, volunteering was both a singular and family value. A firm believer in Catholic education, she served on many school committees to ensure financial resources, as well as being hands-on to promote the excellent work of her two sons and fellow students. For CNR, she represented the school at local College Fairs, served as a Class Fund Agent and assisted with reunions. She has served her Church in many roles at both the parish and Diocesan levels in the Orlando and Chicago area. She is a Eucharistic Minister, supported the tourist ministry in Orlando, organized parish events, and is a past chair of the Pastoral Council. With her husband, she is active in the Christian Family Movement (CFM) which fosters living the Christian faith in everyday life and promoting social justice in action. In this work they were both a Leader and Chair Couple. Realizing the pressures that marriages face, Rosalie and her husband made marriage and marriage preparation a primary ministry early in their life together. They have served as a Team Couple and Chair Couple for Marriage Encounter and continue their work with couples who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Marriage.
As her CNR nominators for the award assert, Rosalie has responded affirmatively to answer the summons to serve.